Chairman Beeler,
Regarding the resolution presented to us at the work session (R-22-2-902) regarding the seeking of authorization by Commission to the KCS Board of Education (BOE) for the purposes of hiring outside counsel… I would be more comfortable with supporting the resolution if it included the following elements (edit as needed for proper form):
1) Authorization is only granted if the Board of Education members vote to take such action. It must be something a majority of the Board of Education wishes to proceed with.
2) Any expense related to hiring outside counsel must be paid for out of the existing BOE FY’22 adopted budget.
3) If the BOE choses to hire specialized outside counsel, that counsel must only act in an advisory capacity to the Knox County Law Dept. It is clearly outlined in the Knox County Charter that the Law Director and their staff are the legal representatives for all Knox Co. matters unless there is a clear conflict of interest – which I have not seen established in this case.
I look forward to seeing the next version of the resolution and the meaningful discussion around it at next week’s Commission meeting.
Thank you for your review and consideration.
– Commissioner Jay