Dear Commissioners I wanted to reach out to help with some meeting information.
1. The purpose of optional review meeting is to ask all your questions about any agenda items and hold discussions BEFORE the regular commission meeting. If you have a question for staff, invite that person to the meeting to answer questions. If you are unable to attend the review meeting, it is your responsibility to reach out to the staff and or legal to ask questions BEFORE the regular commission meeting .
2. Do not pull an item from the consent agenda until the agenda review meeting has concluded. If your questions have been answered at the conclusion of the meeting and you have no further concerns, the item can remain on consent.
3. If you still have questions or concerns, you can pull the item off the consent agenda by Noon on Thursday Feb. 20. If you have no concerns with the agenda at all, you do not need to attend this meeting. This is why it is optional.
4. For commissioners speaking please consult the commission rules page 2, section D on speaking. Again, this is where coming fully prepared with as many questions answered as possible prior to the regular meeting.
5. Public forum is for the public to address commission. If commissioner has a question that needs to be deferred to the chair to make the decision if a question will be asked of the speaker.
6. On zoning meeting it is beneficial for you to reach out to your constituents, developer/builder and or their representatives prior to zoning. This is a huge help for the commissioners to hear from the community and applicant prior to the zoning meeting. This makes it easier to make an informed decision the day of zoning meeting.
Dates to be aware of for Feb.
Agenda items due by 2/3, Zoning preliminary agenda posted 2/4, Commission preliminary agenda posted 2/13, Zoning agenda posted 2/13, Pull items off consent by NOON on Feb. 20, Commission agenda posted Feb. 20.
Also Day on the hill is Feb. 17 and 18.
I hope this information helps. I wish you all a wonderful Tuesday,