September Zoning & Plan Amendment Agenda – Frazier’s Notes
Tagged: September Zoning Agena
- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago by
Kim Frazier.
September 8, 2024 at 2:44 pm #4759
I am sharing my preliminary notes on the September 2024 preliminary zoning agenda.
This is the first quarterly plan amendment review cycle. Agenda items with plan amendments have correlating zoning cases. Plan amendments are heard and ruled on before the zoning case is heard. Should a plan amendment be denied, the zoning will not be heard.
I am including the criteria for zoning and plan amendments for reference. I keep these in front of me as I review the cases along with the Place Type / Zoning Matrix and Engineering’s Road Standards. Following the criteria are some examples of conditions from previous zonings and past personal notes, then my notes on this month’s agenda.
Criteria for ALL (directly and partially related) rezoning amendment requests:
1. The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed zoning amendment is consistent with the intent of the place type for the subject site, and reference the following attributes:
a. Land use mix
b. Housing mix
c. Building form
d. Transportation
e. Open space
2. The appropriateness of the proposed zoning amendment for a subject site shall be determined based upon compliance with the place type description in addition to:
a. Availability of public facilities and services to the subject site (roads & utilities)- can condition road improvements
b. Impacts on public welfare of the proposed zoning district
c. Compatibility of the proposed zoning district with surrounding zoning districts and uses adjacent to the subject site
d. Other requirements as determined by the Zoning Code
3. A request may be denied or approved with conditions if the proposed rezoning amendment is deemed inappropriate based upon place type description, other policies in the Comprehensive Plan, or other analysis of the request.Additional Criteria for zoning amendment requests where the proposed zoning is partially related to the place type. These criteria are IN ADDITION to the listed criteria above for all zoning requests. Applicants are required to have a pre-application meeting with staff to ensure one of the following criteria is met.
1. The proposed zoning district is consistent with the secondary uses of the subject site’s place type. If the intent of the request is to create supportive use described in the place type, then the applicant must explain how the request supports the outcome.
2. The proposed zoning district is compatible with the current zoning of the adjacent sites.
3. The proposed zoning district is directly related to a place type that is adjacent to the subject site on the Future Land Use Map.Criteria for a plan update (place type):
If there is an obvious or significant error or omission in the Plan, or if two or more of the following criteria apply, it may be appropriate to update the Plan:
1. Changes of conditions (such as surrounding land uses, zoning, uncontrolled natural forces/disasters, etc.)
2. Introduction of significant new utilities or local/state/federal road projects that were not anticipated in the Plan and make development more feasible.
3. New data regarding trends or projections, population, housing conditions, or traffic growth that warrant reconsideration of the original Plan.
4. The proposed changes support the Policies and Actions, goals, objectives, and criteria of the PlanSEPTEMBER CASES
1. 6-B-24-RZ, Peacock, 5700 Old Rutledge Pike, District 8
-.85 acres in the Urban Growth Area
-Existing Land Use / ELU: Public/ Quasi Public Land – owned by the American Legion
-FLUM: Mining and heavy industrial
-Requested zoning of I to OC (Civic and Institutional) is appropriate zoning district for any place type and more sensitive to the area
-Minor extension of adjacent zoning – heavy commercial area
-Adjacent to a small historic residential area, CB, I &CA, CB/PC, and railway
-Access is Rutledge Pike
-Utilities are present2. 7-Q-24-RZ, Fesyuk, 7404 Willow Fork Lane, District 7
-2.5 acres of 5.7 acres – frontage of the property in the Planned Growth Area
-ELU: Rural Residential
-FLUM: Traditional Neighborhood
-Requested zoning of AG to PR up to 6 du/acre in the Traditional Neighborhood place type is partially related meaning that PR may be appropriate but with qualifications such as a development plan with conditions.
-consider additional review criteria for “partially related”
-Adjacent properties are SFR to the south, and Rural Residential on the North, East and West
-Access is north side of Emory
-utilities are present3. 8-A-24-PA, Maddox, 111 Cogdill Rd, District 5
-This is a plan amendment, therefore, the zoning requests correlated to this plan amendment can not be considered without approval of the requested plan amendment. In short, if the plan amendment requested is denied, then the zoning is not heard. 2 or more criteria must be met.
-1.27 acres in the Urban Growth Area
-ELU: Single Family Residential
-FLUM: Suburban Residential
-Requested plan amendment from Suburban Residential to Business Park place type is a minor extension of adjacent BP to the south of the parcel. Zoning request from Ag to OB would also be an extension of OB zoning to the south.
-Access is Cogdill
-utilities are present4. 8-A-24-RZ, Maddox, 111 Cogdill Rd, District 5
-1.27 acres in the Urban Growth Area
-ELU: Single Family Residential
-FLUM: Suburban Residential. If the plan is amended to BP, then OB is partially related and must meet additional criteria.
– Zoning request from Ag to OB would be an extension of OB zoning to the south.
-Access is Cogdill
-utilities are present
-one condition – Type B Landscape Screen5. 8-E-24-PA, Mesana, 0 Maryville Pike, District 9
-This is a plan amendment, therefore, the zoning requests correlated to this plan amendment can not be considered without approval of the requested plan amendment. In short, if the plan amendment requested is denied, then the zoning is not heard. 2 or more criteria must be met.
-CI/HP to SR/HP: the requested zoning change is PR which is partially related in SR and would require additional criteria to be met
-6.5acres in the Planned Growth Area
-Requested plan amendment is a very minor extension of SR to the east
-the 2 criteria met consider that a total of 1,079 new residential units were added from 2012-2021. From 2014- 2023, the number of new residential units increased to 1,539 units.
-utilities are present6. 8-G-24-RZ, Mesana, 0 Maryville Pike, District 9
-6.5 acres in the Planned Growth Area
-RB to PR up to 2du/acre
-ELU: Ag
-PR up to 4 du/acre to the east and south zoned in 2004
-one condition – land disturbance within the HP (Hillside Protection) area not exceed the recommended disturbance budget of the slope analysis based on the area of development identified during the development plan review, unless approved by the Planning Commission
-Maryville Pike is a 2-lane minor arterial street with pavement width varying from 37 ft to 28 ft with 4 ft shoulders in this area.
-This property is in the School Parental Responsibility Zone for Mount Olive Elementary school, which is 0.25 miles north of this property on Maryville Pike.
-The PR zone requires development plans to be submitted for Planning Commission review. At that time, issues such as access, surrounding character, and community input may be provided regarding the proposed development plan.
-PR is partially related in the Suburban Residential place type, therefore additional criteria must be met and conditions may be placed to make the place type more appropriate. Is this parcel’s place type SR or CI? There is conflicting info.
-average daily vehicle trips 1547. 8-G-24-RZ, Brendan, 801 Bob Kirby Rd, District 3
-2.09acres in the PGA
-PR 5 to PR 10du/acre
-surrounded by Multi family, AG, and SFR
-FLUM: Corridor Mixed Use
-The proposed PR rezoning is partially related with the CMU (Corridor Mixed-use) place type as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. Partially related zone considerations must meet 2 additional criteria provided in Appendix H of the Comprehensive Plan to ensure their compatibility with the place type. Staff recommends that the PR zone with 10 du/ac is appropriate here because it would permit uses and development forms that are consistent with the primary and secondary uses described in the place type (criteria 1) and it is compatible with the current zoning of adjacent sites (criteria 2).
-ADVTs 235
-utilities are present
-21 total dwellings8. 8-N-24-RZ, Cheban, 0 Ball Camp Pike, District 6
-8.07 acres in the UGA
-Ag to PR 8du/acre
-PR is partially related in both the CMU and SR place types, therefore, additional criteria must be met
-Ag/PR to the south, SFR North, Ag West, RR to the East
-Engineering & Public Works Department has indicated that access to Schaad Road should be limited to a right-in, right-out entry/exit
-has a blue-line stream running through the parcel, which requires a 50-ft buffer
-2 conditions placed: During the Development Plan review, ensuring that the property has viable access to Schaad Road. If AGENDA DATE: 8/8/2024 FILE #: 8-N-24-RZ DENSITY PROPOSED: 8 du/ac Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 8 du/ac because it would be consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and the growing pattern of this area, subject to 2 conditions. GROWTH POLICY PLAN: Knoxville Urban Growth Area AGENDA ITEM #: 39 OWNER(S): PRESENT ZONING: A (Agricultural) WATERSHED: Grassy Creek STREET ADDRESS: View map on KGIS OLEG CHEBAN 0 BALL CAMP PIKE FIRE DISTRICT: Karns Fire Department Oleg Cheban AGENDA ITEM #: 39 FILE #: 8-N-24-RZ 8/1/2024 11:38 AM SAMIUL HAQUE PAGE #: 39-1 access to Schaad Road is not feasible, the property owner may be required to make appropriate improvements to Ball Camp Pike as deemed necessary by the Knox County Engineering & Public Works Department. 2. No grading permit shall be issued until the construction of Schaad Road is complete.
-utilities are present
-ADVTs 6699. 8-G-24-PA, Higgins, 0 W. Governor John Sevier Highway, District 9
-4.84 acres in the PGA
-RC to SMR: PR is partially related in SMR and will require additional criteria to be met
-Planning Commission recommended the SR place type. The recommended SR place type could allow more housing density than the RC place type and would be consistent with these nearby changes. This would be more appropriate then the requested SMR place type since it would be an extension of the SR place type from the north and west sides.
-ELU: Ag
-FLUM: RC – The designation was placed along ridges and waterways for conservation purposes and follows the path of McCall Branch Creek in this area.
-surrounding properties are SFR/ SR, RB, Ag, RC, TN, PR (k) – the (k) indicates conditions were placed on the zonings to the north and east:
1) Maintain a tree buffer with 50-ft of depth along the Governor John Sevier Highway frontage, except for allowing approved access to Governor John Sevier Highway, as recommended by the Governor John Sevier Scenic Highway Corridor Study. High visibility tree protection fencing shall be installed before clearing and grading activities begin and maintained until site and building construction are complete. 2) A landscape plan for the 50-ft buffer yard along the frontage of John Sevier Highway is required to be submitted as part of the Concept Plan and/or Use on Review. 3) No clearing or grading of the site shall be permitted until a Concept Plan or Use on Review development plan is approved by the Planning Commission. 4) Provide a vegetated buffer consisting of a “Type B” landscape screen of 20-ft in depth adjacent to the A zoned parcel on the south side of the property.
-slight extension of SR to the east
-at 8du 38 total units are possible, at current density of 2du 9 total units are possible
-utilities are present
-ADVTs 41410. 8-O-24-RZ, Higgins, 0 W. Governor John Sevier Highway, District 9
-4.84 acres in the PGA
-PR(k) 2 du/acre to PR(k) 8 du/acre: PR is partially related in SMR and requires additional criteria to be met
-ELU: Ag
-FLUM: RC – The designation was placed along ridges and waterways for conservation purposes and follows the path of McCall Branch Creek in this area.
-surrounding properties are SFR/ SR, RB, Ag, RC, TN, PR (k) – the (k) indicates conditions were placed on the zonings to the north and east:
1) Maintain a tree buffer with 50-ft of depth along the Governor John Sevier Highway frontage, except for allowing approved access to Governor John Sevier Highway, as recommended by the Governor John Sevier Scenic Highway Corridor Study. High visibility tree protection fencing shall be installed before clearing and grading activities begin and maintained until site and building construction are complete. 2) A landscape plan for the 50-ft buffer yard along the frontage of John Sevier Highway is required to be submitted as part of the Concept Plan and/or Use on Review. 3) No clearing or grading of the site shall be permitted until a Concept Plan or Use on Review development plan is approved by the Planning Commission. 4) Provide a vegetated buffer consisting of a “Type B” landscape screen of 20-ft in depth adjacent to the A zoned parcel on the south side of the property.
-PR at 8 du is not related in the current place type of RC, but is partially related in the requested place type Suburban Mixed Residential and also partially related in the recommended Suburban Residential. Additional criteria should be considered. Qualifications / conditions are needed to meet the partially related appropriateness. (see 4 conditions)
-utilities are present
-ADVTs 41411. 7-A-24-RZ, Magnolia, 0 East Governor John Sevier Hwy, District 9
-7.25 acres in the PGA
-PR 3 du/acre to PR 7 du/acre
-ELU: Ag
-PR is partially related in the SR place type, therefore, additional criteria must be met and conditions are appropriate:
1) Maintain a tree buffer with 50-ft of depth along the Governor John Sevier Highway frontage, except for allowing approved access to Governor John Sevier Highway, as recommended by the Governor John Sevier AGENDA DATE: 7/11/2024 FILE #: 7-A-24-RZ DENSITY PROPOSED: up to 7 du/ac Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 7 du/ac because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and surrounding development, subject to 2 conditions. GROWTH POLICY PLAN: Planned Growth Area AGENDA ITEM #: 10 OWNER(S): PRESENT ZONING: PR (Planned Residential) up to 3 du/ac WATERSHED: Burnett Creek STREET ADDRESS: View map on KGIS MAGNOLIA CAPITAL GROUP LLC 0 E GOVERNOR JOHN SEVIER HWY Jackie Grubbs AGENDA ITEM #: 10 FILE #: 7-A-24-RZ 7/3/2024 01:48 PM WHITNEY WARNER PAGE #: 10-1 Scenic Highway Corridor Study. High visibility tree protection fencing shall be installed before clearing and grading activities begin and maintained until site and building construction are complete. 2) Provide a vegetated buffer consisting of a “Type B” landscape screen of 12-ft in depth adjacent to the A zoned parcels of the property to buffer the adjacent large-lot, single family homes from this higher density development.
-surrounding properties are SFR and Ag – predominately residential
-This section of Governor John Sevier Highway (State Route 168) is designated a Scenic Highway by the State of Tennessee, so new buildings within 1,000-ft of Tennessee Scenic Highways have a building height limitation of 35 ft above the level of the highway (TCA § 54- 27-114)
-ADVTs 543
-utilities are present12. 6-I-24-RZ, Cloninger, 5917 Thorn Grove Pike, District 9
-2.12 acres in the Rural Area
-Ag to CN
-ELU: Rural Residential
-FLUM: Rural Living. CN zone is partially related to the RL (Rural Living) place type and requires additional criteria be met.
-staff recommended: Deny the CN (Neighborhood Commercial) zone because it does not meet all the criteria for a rezoning
-Planning Commission recommended approval
-utilities are present
-support staff recommendation to deny13. 6-O-24-RZ, Mullins, 8757 Grosspoint Drive, District 3
-9.9 acres in the UGA
-RAE to PR up to 4du/acre
-ELU: Ag
-FLUM: SR. PR in the SR place type is partially related, therefore, additional criteria must be met and conditions are appropriate.
-staff recommended conditions: 1. Disturbing no more than 4.98 acres witin the HP (Hillside Protection) area, per the recommendation of the slope analysis. POSTPONEMENT(S): 6/13/2024, 7/11/2024 AGENDA DATE: 8/8/2024 FILE #: 6-O-24-RZ DENSITY PROPOSED: up to 4 du/ac Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 4 du/ac because it is consistent with surrounding development and changing conditions in the area, subject to 2 conditions. GROWTH POLICY PLAN: Urban Growth Area (Outside City Limits) AGENDA ITEM #: 26 OWNER(S): PRESENT ZONING: RAE (Exclusive Residential) WATERSHED: Ten Mile Creek STREET ADDRESS: View map on KGIS BENJAMIN C MULLINS 132 03603, 03605 County Commission District 3 0, 8757 GROSPOINT DR Anderson Geneva Cain Trust AGENDA ITEM #: 26 FILE #: 6-O-24-RZ 7/19/2024 04:19 PM JESSIE HILLMAN PAGE #: 26-1 2. No disturbance within the HP area along the rear lot line where slopes exceed 25% and along the 35-ft periphery boundary at the west lot line that abuts the Hanna Place subdivision, as shown in Exhibit B.
-Planning Commission recommend approval without conditions???
-What were the 4 conditions on the property rezoned to the south of this parcel?
-CA/HP, Ag/PR(k) with conditions, RR/ RAE, SFR/RAE and PR surrounding properties
-utilities present
-with nearly half of the parcel unbuildable, the recommended density of 4 that equates to 8 du/acre and does not conform to existing development in scale and form.
-public comments: Please review the County Commission Mtg where the adjacent development of 0 Ebenezer was discussed to understand the precedent set for connectivity through existing neighborhoods. We can go 13 rounds over this issue again, but please… don’t make us.
-Supportive of the staff recommended conditions. Would like to know the 4 conditions placed on the parcel to the south. Appropriate density to be discussed.14. 8-D-24-PA, Tilburg, 7735 Freeway Heights Dr, District 7
-3.89 acres in the PGA
-surrounding properties all in the HP: Ag/SMR, RR/TN, SFR/SMR, CMU
-There are no identified trends or projections that point to the need for an expansion of commercial activity into this residential area.
-Staff recommended: Deny the CC (Corridor Commercial) place type because it does not meet the intent of the CC place type or the criteria for a plan amendment. The HP (Hillside Protection) area will be retained. Deny the CB (Business and Manufacturing) zone because the location is inconsistent with the intent of the CB district. COMMENTS: AGENDA ITEM #: 32 FILE #: 8-D-24-PA 8/1/2024 10:29 AM JESSIE HILLMAN PAGE #: 32-2 CRITERIA OF THE PLAN: 1. The proposed place type amendment would conflict with the intent of the CC place type and is not aligned with the goals or action steps of the Comprehensive Plan.
-The CB zone is intended for a wide range of business and manufacturing uses. The nature of such businesses is to attract large volumes of automobile and truck traffic and to have adverse effects on surrounding properties. The CB zone is explicitly described as being incompatible with residential or other uses that require an environment free of noise, odors and congestion. Uses permitted in the CB zone are intensive users of roads, sewers and other public facilities.
-The subject property abuts 5 occupied residences and is next to a condominium with 24 townhouse units. The surrounding residential context paired with the substandard road access conflicts with the intent of the CB district as described in the zoning ordinance.
-The requested CB zoning could have numerous negative impacts on the surrounding residential properties. Heavy trucking traffic and the potentially noxious impacts of manufacturing uses could negatively impact the quality of life of existing residents and residential property values.
– The proposed rezoning is not permitted under the current SMR (Suburban Mixed Residential) place type for this property in the Knox County Comprehensive Plan.
– The CB zone at this location conflicts with the Comprehensive Plan’s Implementation Policy 2 to ensure that development is sensitive to existing community character and policy 9 to coordinate infrastructure improvements with development. This rezoning would be misaligned with the residential character surrounding it to the north, south and east, and road infrastructure expansion is needed to accommodate the kinds of intensive uses permitted in the CB zone.
-utilities are present15. 8-D-24-RZ, Tilburg, 7735 Freeway Heights, District 7
-Ag to CB: CB is not related / not appropriate in SMR. CB is partially related in CC and requires additional criteria to be met
-notes are the same as 14.
– Staff recommended: Deny16. 8-J-24-RZ, Schoolfield and Dee, 0 Ginn Farm Drive, District 9
-1.77 acres in the UGA
-Ag to RA (LDR)
-ELU: Ag
-FLUM: SR. RA is directly related in SR.
-The RA zone is considered a low-density residential zone. As such, it is not anticipated to negatively impact the surrounding area, which is largely residential in character with recreational amenities and farm land nearby. The minimum lot area in the RA zone is 10,000 sq ft for single-family houses and 12,000 sq ft for duplexes. Based on minimum lot area alone, the subject property could yield 6-7 lots. The configuration of the property would make it difficult to build at maximum capacity, however.
-Ginn Farm Drive is a 14-ft unstriped, narrow city street that may require road improvements. The need for road improvements will be determined during the permitting phase but can be included as a condition to the rezoning.
-SFR, RR surrounding properties
-utilities present
-public comments expressing concern about the safety of Ginn Road17. 8-K-24-RZ, Koontz, 4338 York Road, District 8
-1.01 acres in the Rural Area
-RAE to PR 2du/acre
-ELU: Ag
-FLUM: Rural Living. PR 2du is partially related in the RL. Partially related zone considerations must meet additional criteria provided in Appendix H of the Comprehensive Plan to ensure their compatibility with the place type. There does not appear to be any justification to support rezoning. What is the owner’s intention? Is this a family that would like to build homes?
-At the requested density of 2 du/ac, this 1-acre property could accommodate a maximum of 2 single family houses or a duplex. This is one more unit than the property’s current dual RAE and A zones would allow.
-PR zone is intended for larger properties and has a periphery boundary requirement of 35 ft. This would likely need a reduction at the time of the development plan should this request be approved.
-Staff recommended: Deny the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 2 du/ac because there are no substantial changing conditions in the area that warrants the rezoning.
-Planning Commission recommended approve PR 2du /acre with no conditions???
-SFR, RR – on large lots surrounding properties
-utilities present
-How wide is York Road?18. & 19. 8-F-24-PA / 8-L-24-RZ, Graham, 10801 Hardin Valley, District 6
-addressing both the plan amendment and rezoning together
-1.01 acres in the PGA
-plan amendment RA to CC
-rezoning BP to CA/TO
-FLUM: RA – In response to community feedback, most if not all Century Farms were designated with the RA place type in the Comprehensive Plan to preserve and protect their agricultural status. This property is also in the Technology Corridor.
– The existing RA (Rural Agriculture) place type on the subject property is not the result of an error or omission in the Comprehensive Plan. This property and the surrounding land is called the Yarnell Family Farm and was recognized as a Century Farm two years ago. The Tennessee Century Farm Program is administered by the Center for Historic Preservation and honors farms owned by the same family for at least 100 years. County Commissioner Terry Hill assisted members of the Yarnell family, including Doris Yarnell Offord, who owned the subject property until passing earlier this year, in receiving the state recognition in 2022. It is unfortunate that a Century Farm designation is being altered so soon after it was awarded to celebrate local agricultural heritage. However, the remaining farmland is large enough to meet the 10-acre minimum area threshold to maintain this special state designation.
-Commissioner Frazier recommended Neighborhood Commercial CN at the TTCDA meeting because it offers building and design standards that better align in scale and form with the area. This would support commercial development of the property as desired by the applicant and establish a precedent for design standards for future potential development of the remaining 10 acres, should it occur. CN requires a landscaping plan that conforms to the character of the adjacent Century Farm. CA does not require a landscaping plan and also allows larger signs and is less compatible to the neighboring farm west and residential parcel to the east.. (signs buried in the regs 3.9.90) CN is partially related to the CC Place Type that the applicant is requesting, but with these conditions it would more closely align than CA
– TTCDA does not have authority to review or consider the place type change in the Comp Plan that has been requested, so this made the decision making process at that level complicated.
-A residential home is adjacent east of this parcel.
-significant challenges with road congestion in this area, therefore, there is a road widening plan in place and that was presented to the community recently that will take this area to 5 lanes and the county will need to acquire a right of way directly in front of this parcel.
-Because of the road improvements beginning this winter, EPW would like to require a Traffic Impact Analysis to review and assess proposed access points. Ideally, the county would like for access to this parcel to line up with Valley Vista and the new traffic signal that is coming. This means that the applicant would need to get an access easement from the adjacent property owner. In the absence of that, EPW would require the applicant to push access as far west as possible and ensure that access complies with the new road improvements plan as the 5 lanes tapers in that immediate area.
-County Engineering has planned a retaining wall in that area, in front of this parcel so the applicant would need to lower his grading site to eliminate or lessen height.
-I suggest a plan amendment from RA to CC (where CN is partially related) with the following conditions as guided by Knox County Engineering and Public Works: 1. design plan will allow for the planned road improvements inclusive of the needed right of way, 2.a TIA will be completed and reviewed by EPW for additional requirements such as access points, lowering grading site, alignment to traffic signals, and access to the parcel will be as far west as possible, and 3. a landscape design plan will be included that conforms to the character of the adjacent Century Farm.
-I suggest rezoning BP/TO to CN/TO with the same conditions.
-utilities are present
20. 8-M-24-RZ, Forrester, 8397 Beaver Ridge Rd, District 6
– 3.36 acres in the PGA
– Ag/Flood to CR/Flood
-ELU: Ag
-surrounding properties are Ag, SFR
-The CR (Rural Commercial) zone provides for the opportunity to locate limited retail and service uses in a manner convenient to outlying rural areas.
-The CR zone is intended to maximize compatibility between commercial uses and surrounding rural areas, and to maintain the rural character of these areas. As such, it is not anticipated to negatively impact the surrounding rural area.
-Per the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, properties zoned CR should be located or near intersections of arterial and/or collector streets to maximize accessibility. The subject property is situated at the intersection of a major arterial street, W Emory Road, and a major collector street, Beaver Ridge Road.
-The F zone provides the necessary regulations relating to grading, filling, drainage, and other general site preparations to protect the public health and safety of the surrounding area.
-The subject property is within the Beaver Creek Watershed Storm Water Master Plan, which provides additional guidance on mitigating flooding and protecting water quality.
-KGIS shows a few scattered closed contour lines. These can indicate the potential presence of sinkholes, but in this case, Knox County Engineering and Public Works Department has provided information confirming these are not sinkholes. They are depressions created from grading the site, either from sediment traps or uneven fill (see Exhibit B).
-utilities are present21. 4-O-24-RZ, Rhoton, 611 W. Governor John Sevier Highway, District 9
– .89 acres in UGA
-Ag to RB
-ELU: Ag
-FLUM: SR – RB is not related / not appropriate in the SR
– The RB (General Residential) zone is intended for medium density residential development. A multi-dwelling project with up to 12 dwelling units per acre is permitted by right.
– Would the applicant consider PR as it is partially related and requires a development plan?
-SFR and some RB on surrounding properties.
-utilities are presentSeptember 12, 2024 at 5:39 pm #4802Thank you Commissioner Frazier!
September 16, 2024 at 12:00 pm #4834Additional notes to 18. & 19. 8-F-24-PA / 8-L-24-RZ, Graham, 10801 Hardin Valley, District 6
The County road improvement plan did not include a center turn lane in this area. Room to improve the road is extremely tight in this area due to the lack of right of way and grade change on the north side (retaining wall). I’d suggest we require the developer to donate all right of way and easements needed for the upcoming project, which will have to increase to make a 5 lane, which will directly benefit him solely. Also, until he can obtain an easement from the adjoining owner, and access the signal, I would also require his access to be at the far west end of his property only. -
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