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Here is our challenge now. Because Monday is a holiday, it would be necessary for us to get public notice of a hearing in this Sunday’s edition of the Knoxville News-Sentinel in order to meet the 15-day deadline for a hearing on July 18. Unfortunately, the News-Sentinel has told us they will be unable to run the notice this Sunday. This means the soonest we can get notice out is now Tuesday, July 5 in the Knoxville Focus. This puts us back to either the 20th, 21st, or on the 25th immediately prior to the Commission meeting.

While I agree with Commissioner Schoonmaker that this is not ideal, in the essence of time, and now encountering a closing window to even get this noticed by the 5th, I am seeking your concurrence with holding this Public Hearing on Ordinance O-22-6-104 at 5pm on Monday, July 25, with Commission Meeting to immediately follow. We can do our best to notify and work with all potentially affected department heads accordingly.

Thank you for your help.

Richie Beeler