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Kim Frazier

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)
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  • in reply to: Reorganization Meeting #3176
    Kim Frazier

      I will attend on Friday, September 1, 8:00am

      in reply to: Tonight’s Meeting #3112
      Kim Frazier

        I agree. No need to make the trip.

        in reply to: Budget Public Hearing / SS Input #3021
        Kim Frazier

          Monday, June 5th works best for me.

          in reply to: April Non-Consent Items #2928
          Kim Frazier

            Thank you, Madam Chair.

            In regards to agenda item #42. R-23-4-901, I offer the following:
            ā€¢ This facilitates the expansion at Axle Logistics, which will almost double in size eventually having more than 1,000 employees with a current average earning of $117k a year.
            ā€¢ The Sheriff will give up the current impound lot, the County will pave and improve it.
            ā€¢ Axle will buy the land for the appraised value plus what Knox spends on improvements.
            ā€¢ Axle bought land the Sheriff approved on Wheeler Street and will add improvements and two buildings to replace what the Sheriff is giving up. That cost will be deducted from the price paid to Knox, although it is more likely Axle ends up spending more.
            ā€¢ Taxpayers won’t lose a penny, but this enables economic growth.
            ā€¢ Great effort and cooperation by public and private sectors. Axle, County Finance, County Engineering and Public Works, the Sheriff’s Office and the Industrial Development Board have all worked together to make this happen.

            I would also like to bring attention to an observation of more recommended RB (General Residential) zonings. RB allows for multi-family use by right, has fewer landscaping requirements, and does NOT require a development plan.

            in reply to: Electronic Voting for Commission Meetings #2822
            Kim Frazier

              I support researching options for improved microphone and voting systems.

              in reply to: February Non-Consent Items #2703
              Kim Frazier

                Madam Chair,

                Please pull from consent:
                12 – does this item correlate with item 18?
                30 – left turn lane Campbell Station & Fretz
                46 – Merit System Rules
                56 – add additional language to the recommended amendment

                in reply to: 2023 Legislative Priorities #2587
                Kim Frazier

                  Mental Health Facility
                  Sales Tax
                  Impact Fees / Adequate Facilities Tax

                  in reply to: December Non-Consent Items #2485
                  Kim Frazier

                    Thank you, Madam Chair.

                    in reply to: November Non-Consent #2383
                    Kim Frazier
                      in reply to: November Non-Consent #2358
                      Kim Frazier

                        Madam Chair,
                        Please pull agenda items #27. and #28. from the general government resolutions.

                        in reply to: November Non-Consent #2357
                        Kim Frazier

                          Madam Chair,

                          Please pull agenda item # 12. RLA-13994 Mayor’s Teammate Handbook. I would like to highlight the outstanding work of the County HR Department. I have asked Mrs. Stephanie Candler to join us at either the work session or regular meeting. Thank you.

                          in reply to: November Non-Consent #2356
                          Kim Frazier

                            Thank you, Madam Chair.

                            in reply to: “Junior Commission” Brainstorming / Planning Meeting #2314
                            Kim Frazier

                              Thank you, Commissioner Jay. I hope to attend.

                              in reply to: October Non-Consent #2294
                              Kim Frazier

                                Please pull items 30 and 31 – request the acquisition amounts for tracts for HV Rd and Carter sidewalk projects.

                                in reply to: October Non-Consent #2287
                                Kim Frazier

                                  I am interested in serving on the Personnel Committee

                                Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)